The biggest action in Denver last month may have been the Democratic National Convention, but Hugo Awards were announced August 9th at the 66th World SciFi Convention--called Denvention, of course. Two of my favorite authors now have shiny phallic statues:
- Michael Chabon for the the novel, The Yiddish Policemen's Union,
- Connie Willis for the novella "All Seated on the Ground"
- Ted Chiang for the novelette "The Merchant and the Alchemists' Gate"
Do we all know the difference between a novella and a novelette? Me neither.
- Elizabeth Bear for the short story "Tideline"
- Stardust for best dramatic presentation, long form
- Dr. Who "Blink" for best dramatic presentation, short form.
Connie Willis has been a favorite since Doomsday Book and probably has more Hugos than most aliens have digits.
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